翻譯:Since the volume factors and the solution gas-oil ratio are determined from laboratory measurements on samples of reservoir fluid at reservoir temperature and various pressures, these parameters are effective substitutes for detailed phase equilibrium data in most production calculations. However, these parameters are unknown at the time that exploration well tests are run, and hence they are estimated from correlation charts.
翻譯:A major oil company usually initiates the sequence of events that leads to the drilling of oil and gas wells in foreign fields, but independent oil operators pay for most of the wells in the United States. In fact, about 80% of all wells drilled in the U.S. today are financed by independents.
翻譯:Classification of reservoirs can be made on the basis of the texture, composition, and origin of the containing rock or the geometric configuration of the reservoir trap. Classification of reservoirs in the basis of rock texture and composition can assist in the prediction of reservoir performance. Variations in the mineralogy of reservoir rocks can be as important in reservoir performance as structural configuration or areal extent of the reservoir rock.
翻譯:Land maps are essential in establishing control wells and provide fundamental orientation. As Fig.2 illustrates, land maps which are readily available within most companies as well as readily available commercially, provide offset operators, total depth, formation tops and development dates. The land map is essential in establishing orientation and control.
翻譯:In the chapter and the next some aspects of rod pumping and of the instruments used to analyze pumping well behavior are discussed. Many different pumping systems are in current use , e.g. , conventional sucker rod pumping, long-stroke pumping , hydraulic ,centrifugal,and sonic pumping ,but no attempt is made to deal here with any other method than convention a sucker rod pumping.
翻譯:Other additives are often added to the fracturing fluids for special proposes. Corrosion inhibitors may be used if the fracturing fluids might cause corrosion in the tubular goods in the well.Other additives are used to make the part of the fracturing fluid which is moving against the pipe walls behave almost like lubricating oil while the remaining fracturing fluid take an almost solid form to carry the maximum amount of proppant.
翻譯:The transportation of oil has also led to the spectacular development of gait ships ,the largest ships that ever sailed the oceans of the world .in the last few years ,since it has been necessary to ship oil from middle East-one of the largest oil producing regions-around the cap of Good Hope in south Africa these tanks has grown to almost unblievable proportions.
翻譯:In addition to being useful as an exploration tool, subsurface maps are a necessary part of any reservoir engineering study; and petroleum engineers, as well as geologists, must be completely familiar with their construction and interpretation.
翻譯:An acidizing treatment for a sandstone formation normally will consist of sequentially injecting three fluids---a preflush, the hydrofluoric acid hydrochloric acid mixture, and an after flush. These fluids serve definite purposes.
翻譯:A paraffin base crude is an oil whose chief components are paraffins, and which completely distilled, leaves a solid residue of wax. An asphalt base crude is an oil composed primarily of cyclic compounds (mostly naphthenes) which, when distilled, leaves a solid residue of asphalt. Oils which fall in the middle of these categrories are classified as mixed base.