



翻譯:In addition to being useful as an exploration tool, subsurface maps are a necessary part of any reservoir engineering study; and petroleum engineers, as well as geologists, must be completely familiar with their construction and interpretation.


翻譯:Nearly three-fifths of all known petroleum reserves on Earth is to be found in the territory of the various Arabic-speaking countries. Kuwait , for instance , which is a small nation at the head of the Persian Gulf , with an area only three-fourths that of Massachusetts and a population of about half a million , posseses about one-fifth of all the known petroleum reserves in the world.


翻譯:A major oil company usually initiates the sequence of events that leads to the drilling of oil and gas wells in foreign fields, but independent oil operators pay for most of the wells in the United States. In fact, about 80% of all wells drilled in the U.S. today are financed by independents.


翻譯:The need for a greater understanding of the pumping process and for the ability to engineer pump installations to a close degree of tolerance is being accentuated by the trend to pump from greater and greater depths . Problems are relatively minor when the pump is at 10,000 ft.


翻譯:Meanahile ,steel pipes that would carry the oil were being developed . These were the first oil pipelines which take the advantage of the fact the oil is a liqnid. The ideas of a pipeline were not new , water has been transported through pipes for handreds of year ,The oil pipeline were not accepted without a struggle, hower.


翻譯:The primary limitations for gas lift operations are the lack of formation gas of an outside source of gas, wide well spacing, and available space for compressors on off-shore plat forms. Generally, gas lift is not applicable to single-well installations and widely spaced wells that are not suited for a centrally located power system.


翻譯:Since the volume factors and the solution gas-oil ratio are determined from laboratory measurements on samples of reservoir fluid at reservoir temperature and various pressures, these parameters are effective substitutes for detailed phase equilibrium data in most production calculations. However, these parameters are unknown at the time that exploration well tests are run, and hence they are estimated from correlation charts.


翻譯:After the casing string is run, the next task is cementing the casing in place. An oil well cementing service company is usually called in for this job although, as when casing is run,the rig crew is available to lend assistance.


翻譯:The fluids of a petroleum reservoir are generally gas, oil, and water in varying proportions. Each phase can differ widely in composition and properties. Gas and oil, either as separate fluids or in mixtures, change their state or phase as reservoir pressure changes.


翻譯:A porous medium has a permeability of one darcy when a single phase fluid of one centipoise viscosity that completely fills the voids of the medium, will flow through it under conditions of viscous flow at a rate of one cubic centimeter per second per square centimeter cross sectional area under a pressure or equivalent hydraulic gradient of one atmosphere per centimeter.
