A.They cannot pronounce/n/
B.Interlangue interference because there is notthe sound /n/in their mother tongue
C.The teachers do not have a good teaching method
D.They do not like to pronounce nasal sounds
A.Broca’s aphasic
B.The linguistic deprivation
C.The damage on the angular gyrus
D.Wernicke’s aphasic
B.something to befeared
A.Jacob Grimm
B.Rasmus Rask
C.Franz Bopp
D.Sir William Jones
A.gradable opposites
B.relational opposites
Give the description of the following sound segments in English.[k];[z];[w];[u:];[i]
The fact that different languages have different words for the same object is good proof that human language is ().
The compound word "bookstore" is the place where books are sold. This indicates that the meaning of a compound is the sum total of the meanings of its components.
A sentence is a () concept, and the meaning of a sentence is often studied in isolation.
The relationship between the embedded clause and its matrix clause is one of a part to the whole.
What are the major distinctions between langue and parole?
Why do we say tree diagrams are more advantageous and informative than linear structure in analyzing the constituent relationship among linguistic elements Support your statement with examples?
What the element ‘-es’ indicates is third person singular, present tense, the element ‘-ed’ past tense, and ‘-ing’ progressive aspect. Since they are the smallest unit of language and meaningful, they are also().
All words may be said to contain a root morpheme.