广告位招租 联系QQ:5245112(WX同号)
A. TKIP uses an advanced encryption scheme based on AES
B. TKIP provides authentication and integrity checking using Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code (CBC-MAC)
C. TKIP provides per-packet keyingand a rekeying mechanism
D. TKIP provides message integrity check
E. TKIP reduces WEP’s vulnerabilities byusing different hardware encryption chipset
F. TKIP uses a 48 bit InitializationVector
A. ASA supports both stubmulticast routing and PIMmulticast routing. However, you cannot configure bothconcurrently on a single security appliance
B. When configured for stubmulticast routing, the ASA can act as the Rendezvous Point (RP)
C. If the ASAdetects IGMPversion1 routers, the ASAwill automatically switch to IGMP version 1 operations.
D. The ASA supports both PIM-SM and bi-directional PIM
E. Enabling multicast routing globally on the ASA automatically enables PIM and IGMP on all interfaces
F. The ASA can be configured for IGMP snooping toconstrain theflooding of multicast traffic by dynamically configuring themulticast traffic to be forwarded only those interfaces associated with hosts requesting themulticast group
A. 128 bits and 256 bits
B. 128 bits and 384 bits
C. 1024 bits and 3072bits
D. 64 bits and 192 bits
E. 56 bits and 168 bits
F. 128 bytes and 384 bytes
A. key mixing
B. AES-based encryption
C. anti-replay sequence counter
D. message integrity check
E. cyclic redundancy check
A. The ASA is configured for Active-Standby failover.
B. The ASA is configured for Active-Activefailover.
C. The ASA is configured for Active-Active failover and a state failover link has been configured.
D. The ASA is configured for Active-Standby failover and a state failover link has been configured.
E. The ASA is configured to use a serial cable as the failover link.
F. The ASA is configured for LAN-Based failover
Which access methods can CS-MARS use toget configuration information from an Adaptive SecurityAppliance (ASA)? ()
What are the header sizes for point-to-point and multi-point GRE(also known asmGRE) with tunnel key?()
With PGP, which of the following entity signs a users’s public key?()
Of the threats discussed below, what is the main advantage of using Cisco Secure Desktop which is part of the Cisco ASA VPN solution?()
Which Cisco security software product mitigates Day Zero attacks on desktops and servers - stopping known and unknown attacks without requiring reconfigurations or updates on the endpoints?()
Which of the following statements that describe Diffie Hellman Key exchange are correct? ()
What Cisco Switch feature best protects against CAM table overflow attacks?()
Which two statements are correct about the aaa authentication login default grouptacacs+ localglobal configuration command? ()
Select the two correctstatements from the list below that describe DES and 3DES: ()
Which ones are the two type of ciphers?()