


翻譯:The total quantity of petroleum now thought to exist on Earth is about 14 trillion gallons. In weight that is only one-ninth as much as the total existing quantity of coal and ,at the present moment, petroleum is being used up much more quickly. At the present rate of used, the worlds supply of petroleum may last for only thirty years or so.


翻譯:After the casing string is run, the next task is cementing the casing in place. An oil well cementing service company is usually called in for this job although, as when casing is run,the rig crew is available to lend assistance.


翻譯:Meanahile ,steel pipes that would carry the oil were being developed . These were the first oil pipelines which take the advantage of the fact the oil is a liqnid. The ideas of a pipeline were not new , water has been transported through pipes for handreds of year ,The oil pipeline were not accepted without a struggle, hower.


翻譯:A reservoir trap is a combination of physical conditions that will cause hydrocarbon liquids and/or gases and water to accumulate in porous and permeable rock and prevent them from escaping either laterally or vertically because of differences in specific gravity, pressure, fluid/gas characteristics, and/or lithology. It has the capability of collection, holding, and yielding hydrocarbon fluids and water.


翻譯:crude petroleum is not an equilibrium mixture, and on a geological time scale its composition is slowly changing. S.R.silverman found that heating at 121C for two weeks caused detectable changes, the low-molecular-weight components formed being isotopically lighter so far as the carbon was concerned, than the original.


翻譯:A porous medium has a permeability of one darcy when a single phase fluid of one centipoise viscosity that completely fills the voids of the medium, will flow through it under conditions of viscous flow at a rate of one cubic centimeter per second per square centimeter cross sectional area under a pressure or equivalent hydraulic gradient of one atmosphere per centimeter.


翻譯:THE OPEC oil cartel is about to turn 40, and the mood in the run-up to the grand heads-of-state party in Venezuela in less than three weeks time is jubilant. Not quite two years ago,oil was $10 a barrel and the cartel was on the brink of collapse. Now the oil price is well above $30 a barrel, and it shows little sign of coming down.


翻譯:Nearly three-fifths of all known petroleum reserves on Earth is to be found in the territory of the various Arabic-speaking countries. Kuwait , for instance , which is a small nation at the head of the Persian Gulf , with an area only three-fourths that of Massachusetts and a population of about half a million , posseses about one-fifth of all the known petroleum reserves in the world.


翻譯:Land maps are essential in establishing control wells and provide fundamental orientation. As Fig.2 illustrates, land maps which are readily available within most companies as well as readily available commercially, provide offset operators, total depth, formation tops and development dates. The land map is essential in establishing orientation and control.


翻譯:The need for a greater understanding of the pumping process and for the ability to engineer pump installations to a close degree of tolerance is being accentuated by the trend to pump from greater and greater depths . Problems are relatively minor when the pump is at 10,000 ft.
