C.Depends upon the number of agents
D.Depends upon the locations of the CallManager clusters
E.Depends upon how many nodes are in the CallManager clusters
A.Wait until the node is completely installed to start installation on the next one.
B.After you insert Disk 2.
C.A dialog box, "It is now safe to start installing the next node," appears during the installation.
D.After Windows OS is installed on the first node.
A.CRS Engine
C.Cisco Agent Desktop
E.Cisco Supervisor Desktop
A.The Standby Server can be installed across the WAN from the active server.
B.MS SQL 2000 must be installed for the datastores.
C.MS SQL 2000 or MSDE can be installed for the datastores.
D.On the Standby Server, you must install the same components that are installed on its corresponding active server.
E.The Standby Server can be installed on one of the CallManager servers.
F.The active server can be installed on one of the CallManager servers.
B.Cisco Media
In a CRS cluster with Standby Servers, which of the following statements are true? ()
Which setup procedure begins on the Cisco CRS server immediately after Cisco CRS 4.5 is completely installed?()
Which should you check to verify that you have correct software product versions installed?()
Which three features are supported in a license for Cisco Unified Contact Center Express Enhanced? ()
Which three are core server software components for IPCC Express?()
When you access the Cisco CRS Administration page for the first time in a cluster, the system automatically initiates the cluster setup procedure. You perform this procedure one time for a cluster. Whatdo you accomplish in this procedure?()
Which of the following four CRS components must be active on a Historical Reporting Database (HRDB) and Call Recording expansion server?()
What is the default filename for the component trace file?()
What formula do you use to compute the number of IVR ports?()
An agent is logged in but does not appear in the Cisco Supervisor Desktop. What is a possible root cause?()