問答題翻譯:If Colonel Drake, Uncle Billy smith , Anthony Lucas , and the untold thousands of other members of the fraternity of drilling pioneers were alive today , they would no doubt be fascinated and amazed by the proliferation of drilling tools and techniques that have been developed since those primitive days in Pennsylvania and Texas . Undoubltly , they would also be impress by the great numbers of drilling rigs at work today-------over two thousand in the USA alone.




翻譯:The HF-HCI mixture (usually 3-percent HF and 12-percent HCI) then is injected. The HF reacts with calys, sand, drilling mud, or cement filtrate to improve permeability near the well-bore.The HCI will not react and is present to keep the PH low, preventing precipitation of HF reaction products. Sent to keep the PH low, preventing precipitation of HF reaction products.


翻譯:Since the volume factors and the solution gas-oil ratio are determined from laboratory measurements on samples of reservoir fluid at reservoir temperature and various pressures, these parameters are effective substitutes for detailed phase equilibrium data in most production calculations. However, these parameters are unknown at the time that exploration well tests are run, and hence they are estimated from correlation charts.


翻譯:The need for a greater understanding of the pumping process and for the ability to engineer pump installations to a close degree of tolerance is being accentuated by the trend to pump from greater and greater depths . Problems are relatively minor when the pump is at 10,000 ft.


翻譯:If Colonel Drake, Uncle Billy smith , Anthony Lucas , and the untold thousands of other members of the fraternity of drilling pioneers were alive today , they would no doubt be fascinated and amazed by the proliferation of drilling tools and techniques that have been developed since those primitive days in Pennsylvania and Texas . Undoubltly , they would also be impress by the great numbers of drilling rigs at work today-------over two thousand in the USA alone.


翻譯:There are two approaches to the problem of determining the fluid saturation within a reservoir rock. The direct approach is to measure, in the laboratory, the saturation of selected rock samples recovered from the parent formation. The indirect approach is to determine the fluid saturation by measuring some related physical property of the rock.


翻譯:It has been suggested that an effective oil source rock generates 10-40 bbl or oil per acre ft (0.0013-0.0052 cc/cc) for each one per cent of organic carbon. This is approximately 500-2000 ppm by weight.


翻譯:A porous medium has a permeability of one darcy when a single phase fluid of one centipoise viscosity that completely fills the voids of the medium, will flow through it under conditions of viscous flow at a rate of one cubic centimeter per second per square centimeter cross sectional area under a pressure or equivalent hydraulic gradient of one atmosphere per centimeter.


翻譯:The fluids of a petroleum reservoir are generally gas, oil, and water in varying proportions. Each phase can differ widely in composition and properties. Gas and oil, either as separate fluids or in mixtures, change their state or phase as reservoir pressure changes.


翻譯:This chapter deals with the fundamental properties of reservoir rocks. The properties discussed are (1) porosity - a measure of the void space in a rock; (2) Permeability - a measure of the fluid transmissivity of a rock; and (3) fluid saturation - a measure of the gross void space occupied by a fluid. These properties constitute a set of fundamental parameters by which the rock may be described quantitatively.


翻譯:The first step in planning a well should be the gathering of all available data on past wells. In this respect it is important to be completely familiar with all sources of information, the availability of the sources, and the information normally associated with each source.
