翻譯:The HF-HCI mixture (usually 3-percent HF and 12-percent HCI) then is injected. The HF reacts with calys, sand, drilling mud, or cement filtrate to improve permeability near the well-bore.The HCI will not react and is present to keep the PH low, preventing precipitation of HF reaction products. Sent to keep the PH low, preventing precipitation of HF reaction products.
翻譯:Other additives are often added to the fracturing fluids for special proposes. Corrosion inhibitors may be used if the fracturing fluids might cause corrosion in the tubular goods in the well.Other additives are used to make the part of the fracturing fluid which is moving against the pipe walls behave almost like lubricating oil while the remaining fracturing fluid take an almost solid form to carry the maximum amount of proppant.
翻譯:crude petroleum is not an equilibrium mixture, and on a geological time scale its composition is slowly changing. S.R.silverman found that heating at 121C for two weeks caused detectable changes, the low-molecular-weight components formed being isotopically lighter so far as the carbon was concerned, than the original.
翻譯:A paraffin base crude is an oil whose chief components are paraffins, and which completely distilled, leaves a solid residue of wax. An asphalt base crude is an oil composed primarily of cyclic compounds (mostly naphthenes) which, when distilled, leaves a solid residue of asphalt. Oils which fall in the middle of these categrories are classified as mixed base.
翻譯:Gas lift is the method of artificial lift that uses an external source of high-pressure gas for supplementing formation gas to lift the well fluids. The primary consideration in the selection of availability and compression cost of gas.
翻譯:An acidizing treatment for a sandstone formation normally will consist of sequentially injecting three fluids---a preflush, the hydrofluoric acid hydrochloric acid mixture, and an after flush. These fluids serve definite purposes.
翻譯:If Colonel Drake, Uncle Billy smith , Anthony Lucas , and the untold thousands of other members of the fraternity of drilling pioneers were alive today , they would no doubt be fascinated and amazed by the proliferation of drilling tools and techniques that have been developed since those primitive days in Pennsylvania and Texas . Undoubltly , they would also be impress by the great numbers of drilling rigs at work today-------over two thousand in the USA alone.
翻譯:the fluid must be identified by direct measurement of certain properties. These measurements involve securing samples of the fluids from the field. The simplest procedure is to make measurements of the properties of the produced fluids. The API gravity of stock-tank oil and the producing gas-oil ratio are routinely determined. The gas-oil ratio is ordinarily the ratio of volume, in standard cubic feet, of gas from the separator to the volume of stock tank oil both measured over the same time interval. If good field practice is followed, the gravity of the separator gas is determined. These data, together with estimates or observations of the reservoir pressure and temperature, can be used to estimate the properties of the reservoir fluids. Such estimates may be of limited accuracy.
翻譯:Nearly three-fifths of all known petroleum reserves on Earth is to be found in the territory of the various Arabic-speaking countries. Kuwait , for instance , which is a small nation at the head of the Persian Gulf , with an area only three-fourths that of Massachusetts and a population of about half a million , posseses about one-fifth of all the known petroleum reserves in the world.
翻譯:Gas lift is particularly applicable for lifting wells where high-pressure gas is available.Gas compressors may have been installed for gas injection, or high-pressure gas wells may be nearby. Since the cost of compression far exceeds the cost of down hole gas lift equipment, gas lift always should be considered when an adequate volume of high-pressure gas is available for wells requiring artificial lift. Most wells can be depleted by gas lift,which is particularly true since the implementation of reservoir pressure maintenance programs in most major oil fields.